What is the full form of computer?

What is a computer, who does not know, but do you know what is the full form of computer? Often you must have seen this question in many competitive exams, and in an interview, often the interviewer asks it very often. But many people are often missed due to lack of correct information.

There is no mistake in this because you will get the answer to this question very rarely. Whom computer is called, you will get to see it in all websites or blogs but very few people mention full form of computer in Hindi.

Actually, it was also named Computer because it is mainly used to perform all basic arithmetic operations. Then let us come to the straightforward issue and know what the full form of this computer is.

The full form of computer is "Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research".

Although there are many full forms of this, further I have provided information about them. Let's know further.

Computer - By the way, a computer is just a machine, and it is able to compute as well as do other tasks.

There are many full forms, but not a single is officially standardized.

C = Commonly

O = Operated

M = Machine

P = Particularly

U = Used for

T = Teaching

E = Education and

R = Reasearch

A computer is an electronic device that helps in making arithmetic and logical calculations.

The computer also has an arithmetic and logical unit which is called ALU. In addition, this electronic machine also has memory, which helps it to store the data. With which they can store data.

Computers can be of many types, depending on the technology, which are digital, analog and hybrid.

Computer is also considered a programming machine because it cannot do anything without a program. It takes raw data from the user, processes it and finally produces output for the user.


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